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The Miku Monarchy, also known as "MikuAM" is a faction on the r/Place clone, "". It all started with a small project from "TheBestYouHaveEverSeen", this one small Miku. I joined TBYHES's faction shortly after discovering it existed, as a co-founder of sorts, because I was intending on making my own faction for vocaloid arts.

This was our art based on the song "Lagtrain" by inabakumori.

This was our art based on the song "Tõryansé" by TSUKIUSA. It was at the centre of our first conflict, the "MikuAM-Trollge Conflict".

This was our first collaboration on the website, we worked with "IWBTG Pxls" to make art themed around the I Wanna Be The Guy fangame, I Wanna Be The Lovetrap.

Here, we found ourselves in the centre of a massive collaboration. The "Space Collab". Our bit was based on the song "1year" by PinocchioP